Friday 16 May 2014

Endless road by TheFriendlyFiend, on Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License  by  TheFriendlyFiend 

"Walking this road, 
Without you,
To remake forgotten promises and meet you at roads end.
Faded Memories,
Reconstructed Memories,
A dream - a dream of you,
In a world without you.
The dream I see in the world without you,
Torn dream, like a memory from the far past,
I'd like to put it together,
With you...
A scattered dream that's like a far off memory.
A far off memory that's like a scattered dream.
I want to line the pieces up..
yours and mine"

-Nomura (Kingdom Hearts)

When I first read the poem I thought it was about love and loving some one and telling them no matter what happens, we will always be together in each others hearts through light and darkness. I think the most literal meaning of the of the poem is "To remake forgotten
promises and meet you at roads end." I think what the author is trying to say here was no matter what road you take, you end up in the same place. Light, Darkness, you end up in the
same place. I think what Faded Memories could mean is even if we start to lose our memories, they will always be deep down somewhere inside of us, never actually forgotten. Poetic devices in this poem were: Mood: Sad and repetition: Memory and Dream. Alliteration: World Without. 

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